Studies for solid deposition mitigation, hydrate formation and corrosion inhibitions.


Deposition of solids (primarily wax, asphaltene, and scale) may occur at any stage of the oil production operation. The oil field operation facilities require routine maintenance and cleaning which is often associated with production shut-down. Efficient treatments of crude oils can be achieved by performing extensive lab experiments at field conditions prior to the field application.

To mitigate solid deposition, low-dosage asphaltene/wax/scale/hydrate inhibitors can be pre-screened, selected and pumped at the specified condition. These inhibitors are chemical compounds that stabilize the micelles and prevent the deposits from flocculating.



Solid Deposition Mitigation

Solid formations include:

  • Wax Deposition
  • Asphaltene Precipitation
  • Scale Occurrence
  • Hydrate Formation
  • Corrosion

Texas OilTech Laboratories provides expertise in designing treatment tests to meet client’s particular asphaltene/wax/scale/hydrate challenges. Based on specific information about the issues, laboratory tests are designed and performed to evaluate potential solutions that will deliver the desired results.

Deposit Treatment Advantages:

  • Production maintenance by reducing the solid deposition
  • Lowering nonproductive time by reducing equipment plugging
  • Increasing environmentally safe water disposal by reducing oil-in-water carryover
  • Lowering injection pressures due to lowered viscosities



Hydrate Formation Inhibitors

Texas OilTech Laboratories offers tests on low-dosage hydrate inhibitors as an alternative, technically reliable and economically attractive solution to meet industry demand for more cost-effective and environmentally-acceptable methods of hydrate inhibition.


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